Shaping the Future

Our Commitment to Quality
& Patient Safety

At Aster DM Healthcare, we employ a comprehensive approach to evaluate the overall quality and safety of each patient’s experience with the organization.

Prioritizing Excellence in Quality & Patient Safety

Our world-class care network is built upon experienced doctors, state-of-the-art technology, and the highest level of patient care and treatment. We are committed to delivering the highest standards of quality and patient safety to ensure the well-being of our patients and the satisfaction of their families and support systems.

Quality & Patient Safety Model

Our quality and patient safety model is built on the foundation of continuous improvement, focusing on evaluating performance in an environment that encourages openness and transparency. Our approach to measuring quality includes process adherence, clinical outcome measures, patient-reported outcomes, patient experience measures, and quality rankings.


  • Cultivating an organization-wide culture that prioritizes quality, supported by an internal structure to drive comprehensive performance improvement across our business units. Our aim is to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of all our customers, especially patients, their families, and their support systems. We use key performance indicators aligned with the six dimensions of healthcare performance: safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity. 
  • Establishing and maintaining an effective structure in all our business units to gather, assess, monitor, evaluate, and communicate relevant indicators of patient safety and quality, clinical outcomes, infection prevention, and control, customer feedback, environmental safety, diagnostic safety, risk management incidents, and the effectiveness and appropriateness of care. 
  • Setting improvement targets and monitoring our progress using detailed scorecards.

Clinical Quality Indicators & Quality Dashboards

Ensuring high-quality patient care and safety is paramount for us. Our Clinical quality indicators play a vital role in achieving these goals by providing measurable data that reflects the performance and effectiveness of our healthcare services. These indicators offer insights into multiple aspects of patient care journey like adherance to clinical guidelines, treatment outcomes and safety events. By analysing these metrics we are able to identify areas for improvement, further enhancing patient outcomes as well as fostering a culture of continuous improvement and patient centricity. 

Our hospital and clinic dashboards consolidate these clinical quality indicators into an accessible, user-friendly interface, allowing our teams to visualize critical data at a glance and monitor performance. Transparent reporting through dashboards to governing body and required external authorites demonstrates our commitment to delivering safe and effective care.

Overview of Our Key Indicators

Outcome Indicators
Process Indicators
Structural Indicators

We implemented these indicators to measure the outcomes of care interventions. Few of the outcome indicators we monitor are 

  • Readmissions & mortality rates 
  • Surgical complication rate 
  • Length of stay 
  • Medication errors 
  • Fall rates 
  • Infection rates 

We are proud to mention that our outcome indicators show positive trends and are well within benchmarks across our business units which is a testimony to the clinical care provided at Aster.

We monitor trends in our core processes related to patient care. The high compliance rates across our business units indicate commitment to quality care by our clinical teams and best practices being followed.

Few of the process indicators we monitor are :

  • Compliance to clinical pathways
  • Timely administration of medications
  • Timely triage, admissions, and discharge 
  • Compliance with medical record documentation. 
  • Compliance to Antimicrobial prophylaxis 
  • Door to Ballon time
  • Ensuring a clean and safe hospital environment, 
  • Providing clear discharge information,

These indicators reflect the attributes of our healthcare environment, such as the availability of resources, staff qualifications, and hospital infrastructure. At Aster DM we believe that a well-structured environment promotes safe and effective care delivery.

Few of the structural indicators we monitor are

  • Staff-to-Patient Ratios

  • Facility infrastructure

  • Availability of technology 

  • Hospital accreditation 

Our Key Areas of Focus

We ensure compliance to JCI International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG’s) to keep our patients away from the ailments that can be caused during their course of treatment.

Identify Patients Correctly

Research studies shows clear evidence that mishaps can happen due to poor mechanisms of proper patient identification. This IPSG is to improve accuracy of patient identification in ensuring patient safety by identifying the individual as the person for whom the service or treatment is intended and also to match the service or treatment to that individual. We make sure all our patients are identified using two unique patient identifiers as per our policy.

Improve Effective Communication

Inefficient communication systems between different departments of healthcare organization can lead to medical blunders. The purpose of this measure is to provide patient safety through effective communication among health care professionals by providing accurate information about patient care during verbal or telephone communication, reporting critical test results and handover communications. 

Improve the Safety of High Alert Medications

Some medications pose an increased risk of causing significant harm to patients if used in error. We have implemented processes and protocols to identify high alert medications for all healthcare providers involved in the prescribing, dispensing and administration of these medications. Aim is to promote the safe storage, handling and administration of high alert medications and safe use of concentrated electrolytes which reduces the risk of medication errors. 

Ensure correct site, correct-procedure, correct patient-surgery

Following the WHO safe surgery checklist for a surgery can successfully reduce the number of hospital-induced ailments that can happen during a surgery. We implemented this measure to promote patient safety by providing guidelines for verification of correct site, procedure and patient. Our surgical team ensures a time-out procedure is conducted and all documents and medical technology needed are on hand, correct and functional prior to surgery. 

Reduce the Risk of Health Care – Associated Infections

Good hand hygiene is the single most important way to prevent infection. We measure the percentage of staff observed washing their hands or using hand sanitizer before and after caring for a patient. 

In healthcare some patient care treatments and interventions have been identified as major sources of hospital-associated infections; these include surgical procedures, mechanical ventilation and insertion of centerlines and catheters. Our multidisciplinary teams follow the bundles of care which are set of evidence-based interventions which have been shown to have a greater impact on reducing the risk of infection.

Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from fall

Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury causing major damage to patient’s health as per WHO. At Aster we have built up awareness among all healthcare care providers and implemented prevention strategies which emphasize creating safer environments and establishing effective policies to reduce risk of patient harm resulting from falls. 

Clinical Risk Management

By taking a collaborative approach to risk management, we have analyzed processes and practices throughout the organization, allowing us to identify opportunities for improvement in clinical, operational, and business areas. and implementing procedures to reduce possible hazards.

We have a centralized reporting system, and data is shared across departments. Implementing this program has improved the safety of our patients and increased our efficiency. 

These strategic focus areas keep our stakeholders informed and involved in our mission to provide quality healthcare services. Experience the difference with Aster - where patient care is not just a priority but our core mission.